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Sprzedam - Zuzytego oleju spozywczego Dla biodiesla

Kategorie: Różne
Utworzone: niedziela, 11 czerwca 2017 Aktualizacja: niedziela, 11 czerwca 2017
Telefon: 124350148
Adres: Jarkowice, 112
Cena: 1300.00

We producer of vegetable oil and production of various types of refined vegetable oil and crude vegetable oil. Our production facilities allows us to offer low prices for our customers. If you want to save money on your refined vegetable oil and crude vegetable oil, send your inquiry to us.


To avoid sending false claims, and not serious to factories that require customers to respond to the presentations confirmed in the framework of scientific research. Customers must submit a request to us with a message in detail, and the second in the LOI (letter of intent).


Various types of vegetable oil supply arise.

[1]. Refined oil for cooking.

A refined sunflower oil

B. refined soybean oil

C. refined corn oil

D. refined rapeseed oil rapeseed

E. refined vegetable oil

F. Refined palm oil


[2]. OIL vegetable oil

A. Crude sunflower oil

B. crude soybean oil

C. The crude rapeseed canola

D. crude vegetable oil

F. crude palm oil


[3]. oil biodiesel


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